The Happiness Corner Model
A unique approach to building resilience, reflecting and learning about ourselves, tapping into our true potential
and living a meaningful life.
The model was created by Vittoria De Meo, our Founder and Director, in 2015. From her own lived and work experience, studies she enrolled in, and research, she understood it was crucial to come up with a new model. The aim of this new model was to inspire and encourage people to tap into their true potential, believe in social connection and benefit from self-awareness and self-reflection.
An approach to human thoughts, feelings, and behavior, with a focus on strengths instead of weaknesses, like the principles adopted by positive psychology. A way to adapt to a new culture around mental health and wellbeing, an opportunity that can make people to reflect and gain the right tools to transform and live a meaningful life.
It all started as a social activity for an organisation that supports the integration of migrants, asylum seekers and refugees. The aim was to help vulnerable adults integrate, socialise but most importantly encourage them to re-gain hope and self-confidence.
Between 2017 and 2019 the model served as an essential approach to help vulnerable women from minority groups to open and talk about their struggles, emotions, feelings and learn about mental health. Throughout the sessions women were able to open telling their stories and talk about their concerns, disappointments, or fears. Women expressing the will of looking for work or doing volunteering and women joining our sessions despite long distances or bad weather.
Enabling women to have a leadership role. The Happinesss Corner approach focuses on:
Inspire and encourage women to be able to manage their own health and well-being and build on this experience to lead and influence others
Lead by example- for women to use their own experiences as a springboard of the changes they seek to make in theirs and other women’s lives
For women to develop confidence and capability in order to become independent
For women to be able to work on solutions rather than focussing on weaknesses
The Approach
Pro-active (connecting first, seeking participation not only input, ask and empower)
Peer led (when people have similar experiences of something difficult and come together to support, encourage and motivate each other).
Participant centric (putting the participants — their motivations and needs first).
Compassionate (recognising, acknowledging, embracing people’s suffering, building trust, offering safe and non-judgemental space)
Create safety and trust – Build a trusting relationship – Connect Fostering a sense of safety. (They would not open up if they don’t feel safe) A non-judgemental platform that provides respect, support, understanding, listening. Strong intention to human connection rather than an immediate solution focused approach. I care for you rather than judging you. (through assessments/diagnosis)
Choice and Collaboration – Engaging-Involving-
Everyone can tap into their potential (focus on strengths and resilience)